Whenever I think about Richard, I think of him at home with Posy and the family at West Dunster. If Richard knew we were coming down, he would meet us at the end of the long lane, usually with Barleigh, Purdey, Dulcie or Buffy in tow. I picture him walking from the house to greet us with his distinctive mop of hair framing a warm, welcoming smile. He would then invite us to take refreshments either at the house or, weather permitting, by the boat house or, if it was too chilly there, at his favourite spot in the garden. My most vivid recollections of Richard are of him sitting at the kitchen table at West Dunster, a favoured gathering spot for all the family, where lively conversations took place and many a project born. Looking at the gallery of photos assembled on Richard’s tribute page, some of him as a young man depicting his love of Sailing and travelling and some later in life surrounded by his family, I can see he truly had a remarkable life. I imagine he is now hoisting the Mainsail, charting his position and mapping his heading towards his beloved Posy.