I first met my brother Richard as a newborn baby in 1946. I was nearly five years old. I
had been conceived just before my father left to fight in the Second World War. He did not
see me until I was almost four years old. My brother was one of the many celebratory
babies born after the war ended.
I awoke one morning to see my mother sitting on the edge of my bed nursing a white
bundle. Pulling back the crocheted shawl revealed a tiny face. I was absolutely
fascinated. A younger brother Anthony arrived two years later and the three of us were to
enjoy an idyllic upbringing in the Worcestershire countryside before our move to Exeter
in 1954.
Richard learned to drive and passed his test before any of us: including me! He went on to
become a proficient and brave sailor. He bought a sailing boat with his great friend
Hadrian Stirling (who is on holiday and unable to be with us today) and together they
sailed through the treacherous Bay of Biscay and round Gibraltar and finally into the
Later exploits included the many islands off the west coast of France and
the Isles of Scilly: accompanying him on one trip and after sailing through the night, we
weighed anchor off the tiny island of St Agnes and he and I walked round the island very
early in the morning. I treasure these memories.